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Harmon Meldrim, PhD, LCSW

Professor of Social Work



Dr. Mel loves social work practice. He teaches courses that equip students for advanced social work clinical practice.  Dr. Mel began teaching full time at Roberts Wesleyan College in 1998. As the longest serving social work professor Dr. Mel has taught many courses in the MSW program as well as most BSW courses. His two favorite classes are Psychopathology and Group Work. While teaching at Roberts Dr. Mel has always been active serving the community through various kinds of practice including international adoption, advocating for Native American children in tribal, family courts and providing psychotherapy online. Prior to starting at Roberts, Dr. Mel spent 21 years on active duty with the US Air Force where he practiced with military members and their families.  He provided support to victims of 9/11 in Manhattan, Air Force rescue workers following the Oklahoma City bombing and family members affected by the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger.  Dr. Mel has 6 children and 10 grandchildren. He resides primarily in Florida and Dr. Mel teaches most courses online.